First Git Commit to GitHub

Create your first GitHub repository and run your first commit.

1. Go to GitHub and create a new Repository

You don’t need to add or .gitignore at this moment. Just make you have a private repository, and we don’t want the world to see our WordPress install.

2. Log in to your server with PuTTY and add .gitigonre

First, let’s go to the public_html/ (document root) folder and add the .gitignore.

This is how we exclude the wp-config.php and .htaccess to be sent to GitHub.

Note: We will come back and copy/paste the wp-config.php contents to our local server (replace values with local database username, password, etc.), but we don’t want to send this file to GitHub for security reasons.

$ cd ~/www/
$ nano .gitignore
> wp-config.php
> .htaccess
3. First commit

Then it is time to do our first commit.

You may have another method, but this is a standard way I usually do it.

Stay in the public_html/ folder and replace the wpbp URLs with your own GitHub repository URL.

$ git init
$ git config remote.origin.url origin
$ git remote set-url origin
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "first commit"
$ git branch -m main
$ git push origin main

Note: Be sure to use the SSH URL that starts with